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My Research

See my current publications here

An Electrochemical Aptamer-Based Biosensor

I am currently based in the Smart Materials and Surfaces Group in the School of chemistry at the University of New South Wales, working with Scientia Prof. Justin Gooding. Our team is currently developing next generation electrochemical aptamer-based biosensors for Nutromics.

An electrochemical aptamer-based sensor

Nutromics are developing the first real-time, high-frequency molecular sensing technology that is both: (1) selective enough to work in situ in the living body and (2) independent of the chemical reactivity of its targets, thus rendering it is generalizable. Using this approach, they have demonstrated seconds or even sub-second resolve measurement of multiple drugs, metabolites and biomarkers in the plasma (veins), cerebrospinal fluid (brains) and interstitial fluid (subcutaneous space) of live rats.

I’m sorry, but the exact involvement in this project cannot be discussed at current time as it is currently undergoing the patent process which has not been finalized yet; however, I have linked some references at the bottom which might be of interest.

Covalently-Bound Organic Modification of Transparent Metal Oxides

As a PhD student in the School of Physical and Chemical Sciences at the University of Canterbury, I worked with Prof. Alison Downard, Prof. Martin Allen, and Prof. Roger Reeves exploring the physical, chemical, and electronic properties and device applications of metal oxide semiconductors.

Graphic abstract

The main areas of my project involved:

Figure 1: (A) Consecutive cyclic voltammograms measured at (a) (2̅01) β-Ga2O3 (red) and (b) (010) β-Ga2O3 (blue) substrates in 2 mM NBD in 0.1 M [Bu4N]BF4−ACN. Scan rate = 50 mV/s. Solid line: 1st scan; dashed line: 2nd scan. (B) Valence band XPS spectra (hν = 150 eV) of unmodified and NP- and ODPA-modified (2̅01) β-Ga2O3, and the corresponding linear least-squares fitting of the low BE edge used to extract the band bending parameter ζ. The inset shows the respective (normalized) Ga 3d spectra collected at the same time as the VB spectra (C) Core-level XPS measurements from as-received and NP-modified,(2̅01) β-Ga2O3 samples: N 1s, spectra.

A few figures from my thesis
Figure 2: Schematic diagrams for the sample holder used for the Pd Schottky diode fabrication. (A) Sample holder and shadow mask. (B) During the sputtering process. (C) After the sputtering process and removal of shadow mask. (D) Photograph of the NP‑modified (010) ꞵ‑Ga2O3 sample with Pd diodes and Ti/Au ohmic contact labelled.

A few figures from my thesis A few figures from my thesis Something
Figure 3: (A) Geomerty optimised Ph surface with the (010) showing the plane of the Ph ring and the (101) surface plane. (B) schematic showing the angle of the phenyl group with respect to the (101) plane and [001] vector. (B) Band structure of the different SnO2 surface. Surface and bulk bandgaps were determined from the contribution of the ions in these regions. EF has been shifted to 0 eV. (C) Side and top view of the relaxed (¯201) surface with the naming convention highlighted.

Link to my PhD thesis. Currently this is under embargo, however if you are interested I can send through a copy.

Novel Coatings for Improving the Corrosion Resistance of Mg Biomedical Implants

My Honours thesis project, under the supervision of Prof. Alsion Downard and Ass. Prof. Mark Staiger, focused on the development of a biocompatible layer to decrease the corrosion properties of the biomedical magnesium.

Elephant at sunset
The mechanical strength of bone, permanent implants, and solid and porous degradable implants as the bone heals. Consolidation is the point at which the stronger lamellar bone forms, requiring pressure to form correctly.

A link to my thesis can be found here: Novel Coatings for Improving the Corrosion Resistance of Mg Biomedical Implants

Ultra-High Temperature Electrolysis to Produce Titanium

The use of molten oxide electrolysis to produce metals has been proven more sustainable and environmentally friendly than the common, carbon-intensive, traditional metallurgical processes. The potential to reduce emissions to the environment increases if large-scale waste materials are used as feedstock for this process. It has been shown that the electrochemical recovery of metals from molten TiO2−SiO2−Al2O3−MgO−CaO slag, a by-product of some ironmaking processes, is feasible, although the process had very low faradaic efficiency. Moreover, Ti-bearing slag has been proposed as a substitute for rutile as the feedstock for the titanium industry. However, a more extensive understanding of the electrical properties of this complex oxide system in its molten state is paramount in the design of industrial electrochemical cells.

Pseudo-Ternary Phase Diagram
A pseudo-ternary phase diagram of the SiO2-CaO-FeO system. Calculated using ThermoCalc.

Project Goals:


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