Liam's World

Kia Ora,

My name is Liam, and I am a postdoctoral researcher at the University of New South Wales, Australia, where I work on developing electrochemical aptamer-based sensors. I completed my PhD in chemistry from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand, where I focused on the chemical modification of transparent semiconducting materials for use in electronic devices.

In addition to my PhD, I hold a BSc(Hons) in chemistry and a BSc majoring in chemistry and mathematics, both from the University of Canterbury. My research interests include nanotechnology, electrochemistry, and bioanalytical chemistry.

On this website, you'll find updates on my current research, publications, and other projects. Please note that the views expressed here are my own and not those of any organisation I am affiliated with. I will update this page when time permits, so please check back periodically. If you have any interesting opportunities or collaborations, please feel free to contact me below.


Making this website

So I have decided to make a personal website, now what? It is uncommon for graduate students in materials science to make a their own website; however for me there are many reasons:

I learnt how to program using Matlab which is a great tool for for routine scientific computing tasks. I'm a big fan of MATLAB as it is a great more straight forward way of quickly visualising your data. You also don't have to deal with 'CS stuff' like libraries, dependencies, *etc.*, but, other languages like 'Python' are certainly more prominent in the software engineer roles, so I have also expanded my range and started using this too. So this website will be partially an exercise in breaking out of my 'MATLAB' comfort zone.

I initially based this website on Peter M. Attia's website which I found intriguing and thought I could accomplish something similar. The website was created using Jekyll on Github and I may shift this in the future to something more permanent, but currently want to just get this started and to be a place to host my [CV](CV). Jekyll is a static site generator, which means it creates nice-looking, speedy websites from relatively simple text editor input. I have now shifted to using the Moonwalk theme.

© 2023 Liam Carroll   •  Powered by Soopr   •  Theme  Moonwalk